Big topic discussion on the current deal between Hi-Rez and Microsoft. Bringing the growing MOBA to consoles provides un-matched market potential for Hi Rez and gives Microsoft a huge announcement in the form of an exclusive. But where is the money going to come from? Will Smite remain free to play on Xbox? What about the online community?
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Tridrakious is gone, but Taborius knows…the show must go on! So what does Taborius do when Tridrakious is not around to keep him on track? Well…you’ll just have to watch to find out.
Alright, Sony had way too much to talk about and while they started strong and ended strong…the middle of the conference was very much mixed.
LittleBigPlanet 3, The Order: 1886, Destiny (including alpha and beta announcements), Batman: Arkham Knight, a slew of indie titles led by Hotline Miami 2 and finishing the event with Uncharted 4!

Mixed in the middle was announcements for PlayStation TV, a PlayStation Now release date and various new services and even shows/movies (Ratchet and Clank is getting all the damn love.)
Far Cry 4, Assassin’s Creed: Unity, Just Dance 2015, Just Dance Now and even Shape Up were the bulk of the conference. However, Rainbow Six: Patriots finished up the their presser which was a nice addition to a fairly bland conference.

Such a fun episode with a nice surprise somewhere in the episode. Hard to believe we’ve reached 60 (sixty) episodes of Just 1 More Topic. Looking forward to the next 60 episodes.
The internet's source for Mansion of Hidden Souls.