Crackpots [Atari 2600] – Review

Dan Kitchen's first for Activision.
Dan Kitchen’s first for Activision.

Potsy, the rooftop gardener of a high-rise in Brooklyn has encountered an infestation of spider-like bugs and he’s determined to keep them from entering in through the windows. His solution is to say bombs away to his potted petunias.

Controlling Potsy, players drop his pots when bugs are underneath and do so until every last one of them is gone. The pots are infinite but the amount of bugs players can let in is not. The bugs are easy to take care of early on as they travel straight; sooner rather than later though, they begin zigzagging wildly as they crawl up the building and before long, there’s a real challenge in surviving.

Sayonara spiders!
Sayonara spiders!

Crackpots is an enjoyable score attack game boosted by the lighthearted concept. Designed by Dan Kitchen, it was originally released for the Atari 2600 in 1983. Scoring 17,500 and 25,000 points in Activision Anthology will unlock a patch and a new gameplay mode. Originally players had to achieve a score of 75,000 points or greater to unlock the patch, so this challenge is much less difficult.

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