Random Game #35 – K.C. Munchkin! [Odyssey 2]

K.C. Munchkin!

When you have a video game collection like mine, it can be hard to play all of the games. This is especially true when additions are made on an almost weekly basis. Still, I appreciate nearly every game I’ve accumulated for this reason or that. In the hopes of improving my writing through continuous effort and promoting ongoing learning of these games, I’m going to compose brief, descriptive articles.

I’ve played little of this game since acquiring the Odyssey2 and expanding my collection. Put simply, it’s a Pac-Man clone. It’s not a 1:1 duplicate, but it’s hard to deny that fact. In fact, this game was the center of a lawsuit that Atari brought upon Philips, the parent company of Magnavox. Atari brought the case, rather than Namco, as they had the exclusive right to home versions of Pac-Man. The Wikipedia pages for the game and a related court case offer an interesting summation of the early days of video game copyrights, as they pertained to North America. As I mentioned, I’ve probably played this game a few times, but I remember it not.

As was the case with the bulk of the platform’s library, K.C. Munchkin! was developed by Ed Averett and published directly by Magnavox. This game released in North America sometime in 1981.


4 thoughts on “Random Game #35 – K.C. Munchkin! [Odyssey 2]”

  1. Now that’s some awesome box art 🙂 I wonder how many people confused it for Pac Man back in the day.


  2. This game was the BOMB! I barely played Pacman because we didn’t have an Atari. First time I played Pacman was years later, and I kept thinking it was a copy of K.C. Munchkin.


    1. That’s pretty funny. I think I may have played it’s sequel more. It seemed very different, unsurprisingly.



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