In Between Posts, June 6, 2011

I was able to get pretty far in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link last week. I’m a little under, or right at, the halfway mark. There are at least six palaces I need to complete before the end and I’ve completed three so far. I’m making graph paper maps as I proceed just like I did with The Legend of Zelda. The overworld is set up differently from The Legend of Zelda, but not really harder. In The Legend of Zelda, the overworld consisted of many individual screens that you could only see one at a time; I’m able to see a large chunk of the overworld at any given time in Zelda II; for those who know, it’s exactly like an overworld from an older role-playing game. The dungeons are a little trickier however, but I’m able to manage.

I also purchased a surprise game this week! I was at a Target late in the week and found a copy of Vanquish on clearance ($14.99) for the Xbox 360 so I bought it. I was anticipating the game ever since I first heard information on it, but held off of purchasing it, until now. I’ve played through the first act and I really like the gameplay, it’s super fast and frantic, but the story is kind of whatever.

I don’t think I’ll be able to complete Zelda or Vanquish this week, but maybe I’ll post something about them this week.

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