In Between Posts, September 11, 2011

I finally got around to posting my OutRun Online Arcade review last week. It was a pretty fun game and as a result of playing it I picked up another OutRun game last week. I was in a local game store and saw front and center in one of their cases a copy of Out Run Europa for the Sega Game Gear. It was just the cartridge, no box or manual, but it was only a few bucks so I picked it up. I’ll post something about it this week.

I also posted two demo impressions last week. One for Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon and another for The Baconing. The former wasn’t that great, but it might be fun with a pal or three and The Baconing seemed pretty decent, but maybe worth checking out DeathSpank first. I have a few more demos queued up too, but there isn’t enough time in the day you know?

Lastly I started a new game last week: Doom 3. I’ve sunk a couple of hours into it and I’m liking it. It’s pretty spooky, as long as I’m in the mindset to be spooked.

That’s pretty much it on the gaming front. School and work have kept me busy too, but I’m glad I can find time to write a little bit. I should post something for Out Run Europa this week and hopefully a demo impression of two. Also it’s been ten years since 9/11/2001. Dang.

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