In Between Posts, January 1, 2012

Happy new year! I didn’t start the day off stellar, waking up late and therefore arriving to work twenty minutes late, but I had Skyrim waiting for me when I got home. I’ve spent upwards of ten hours playing it this week and I can’t wait to play more. I find it very engrossing. There’s just so much to do.

Besides Skyrim, I went to the movie theaters twice this week. My girlfriend and I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo early in the week and I enjoyed it. I’m speaking of course about the recent English language version from David Fincher. It was really graphic, not holding back from multiple sex scenes and an intense scene of rape, but the plot was intriguing and the payoff was satisfying.

Friday we went on a double date to see Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. I liked Jude Law as Dr. Watson more than I did Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes, but RDJ was entertaining all the way through. There were a lot of flashy moments where Sherlock Holmes narrated what his next move was in a fight and a lot of slow motion and these elements grew thin as they kept popping up.

More Skyrim for me this week!

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