Last week saw the completion of my first 5K – The Color Run! It’s not a competitive event per se, but that didn’t stop my mom, sister, and I from jogging the majority of it. Since it’s not a competition, The Color Run is based around a gimmick. Every kilometer is represented by a color and kilometer marker has a color section where volunteers hurl chalky colored powder at passerbys – a white shirt was mandatory attire. The goal, other than to have fun, is to end up with as much color as possible. Each runner is also given a package of chalky colored powder that they can throw whenever, but it was recommended to save for the post-race festivities.
The event was massive (it sold out) with 10,000 runners clogging midtown Tulsa. My family and I started in the final wave of runners, but we were able to weave around others and wound up around the middle of the pack. I’m surprised I did so well since I haven’t been stringent in my training. Being able to jog the majority of the event (4 kilometers I believe) was rewarding in itself. This summer has in fact turned out to be one of my most active, just like I hoped.
The event travels throughout the U.S. so if you have a few friends or family willing to do it, I’d recommend doing so. Admission was $50 but it also nets a t-shirt and headband, but the experience itself was priceless.

I’m definitely not the sporting type but that sounds rather interesting, if messy!
It’d be a blast with friends or family.
That’s awesome! Sounds like a really fun event. I am trying to get into the running habit myself. My sister runs marathons all the time and puts me to shame. I would like to do a 5K sometime this year, though.
Thank you! I can’t imagine running a marathon, at least at the stage I’m at. Regardless, completing a 5K was a fulfilling experience.