Ys: The Vanished Omens [Sega Master System] – Walkthrough


While recording my playthrough of Ys: The Vanished Omens, I consulted the sole walkthrough available on GameFAQs every now and then. Seeing as there was just a handful of resources available for this game online, and upon realizing it was fairly straightforward, I took a shot at writing a walkthrough. Although it was a linear experience, it was still challenging composing the guide. Especially when it came time to format it to GameFAQs’ liking. Well, after many attempts, I’ve finally got the formatting as GameFAQs likes it and am now confident enough to share it here. So, if you ever need help while playing the game, give my guide a shot!

Walkthrough on GameFAQs


4 thoughts on “Ys: The Vanished Omens [Sega Master System] – Walkthrough”

  1. This is awesome! I just picked up Ys III and will eventually try to track down the other games in the series. I’ll definitely check out your walkthrough!

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