
Pokemon Go – The Results of My Level 23 -> 24 Lucky Egg

Basically, it was a year to the date from the time I stopped playing Pokemon Go last year to picking it up again around a month ago. In that time, a few changes had been implemented and I’ve found myself enjoying it. We’ll see how long that continues… After all, it still is a “bad” game in so many regards. There are a lot of awesome features to it, too. Anyways, I recorded this a few nights ago after activating a Lucky Egg and evolving as many Pokemon as I could. I was able to generate enough experience to jump to the next level and added a few new entries to my Pokedex. Forgive (or enjoy) the static noise (fan) and My Brother, My Brother and Me in the background.

Just 1 More Topic Episode 71 – “Xbox Smite”


Big topic discussion on the current deal between Hi-Rez and Microsoft. Bringing the growing MOBA to consoles provides un-matched market potential for Hi Rez and gives Microsoft a huge announcement in the form of an exclusive. But where is the money going to come from? Will Smite remain free to play on Xbox? What about the online community?


Be sure to check out Just 1 More Level on YouTube,  HERE!
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JohnTheGamer and Tridrakious Play Street Racer and Super Bust-a-Move


Watch the splendor of Street Racer for the PlayStation and Super Bust-a-Move for the Playstation 2 in low-fidelity splendor! Played by none other than JohnTheGamer and Tridrakious, courtesy of!

Just 1 More Topic Episode 65 – E3 and Crapcom


Taborius and Tridrakious discuss the possibilities of Capcom being bought by one of the “Big 3”.  The chances of Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo purchasing the japanese giant is very likely.

With franchises like Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and Street Fighter, what could happen if Capcom were bought out by one of the console makers?