Mortal Kombat Trilogy ( – Review

I wonder if Ed Boon ever played this version?

Fighters Megamix for the wasn’t a good game. The other fighting game on the system, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, fares no better in my eyes.

Both games resemble their “big brother” versions, but playing them on the system just isn’t worth it. Whereas Fighters Megamix’s combat felt slower and more precise, Mortal Kombat Trilogy’s played more fast and loose. I button mashed my way through fights and managed to pull of some combos; I couldn’t tell you if they looked cool or not because of the system’s poor screen quality though.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy had a large character roster, fatalities, and gameplay that’s more suited to jumping in and having fun, but it’s still on the and it’s not very good.

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